ABPort Class Reference

Port. More...

#import <ABPort.h>

Inherits NSObject.

Inherited by ABAudioFilterPort, ABAudioReceiverPort, ABAudioSenderPort, and ABMIDIPort.

Instance Methods

(void) - launch
 Launches the app belonging to the port and triggers ABPortWillLaunchPortNotification in the appropriate app.
(NSArray *audioPipelineIDs) - __deprecated_msg
(NSArray *MIDIPipelineIDs) - __deprecated_msg


 The peer this port is on.
NSString * name
 The internal port name.
NSString * title
 The title of the port, for display to the user.
UIImage * icon
 The port icon (a 64x64 image)
ABPortType type
 The type of the port.
uint8_t attributes
 The attributes of this port.
id context
 Use this property to associate some user defined context with the port.
uint32_t uniqueIdentifier
 An port identifier that is unique for the peer itself but also for other peers.
BOOL connected
 Whether the port is connected.
NSString * sourcesTitle
 A title representing the sources connected to the port.
UIImage * sourcesIcon
 An icon representing the sources connected to the port.
NSArray * sourcesRecursive
 Returns direct and indirect sources of the port in the pipeline.
NSString * destinationsTitle
 A title representing the destinations the port is connected to.
UIImage * destinationsIcon
 An icon representing the destinations the port is connected to.
NSArray * destinationsRecursive
 Returns direct and indirect destinations of the port in the pipeline.
< ABConnectionGraphPipeline * > * 
 The connection pipelines of which this port is a member.

Detailed Description


Ports are the source or destination points for Audiobus connections. Ports can send audio, receive audio, or filter audio. You can define multiple ports of each type in your app to define different audio routes. For example, a multi-track recorder could define additional ports for each track, so each track can be routed to a different place, or recorded to individually.

This class represents a port on another peer.

Method Documentation

- (void) launch

Launches the app belonging to the port and triggers ABPortWillLaunchPortNotification in the appropriate app.

- (NSArray* audioPipelineIDs) __deprecated_msg ("Use pipelines property instead (filter by type = ABConnectionGraphPipelineTypeAudio if necessary)") 
- (NSArray* MIDIPipelineIDs) __deprecated_msg ("Use pipelines property instead (filter by type = ABConnectionGraphPipelineTypeMIDI if necessary)") 

Property Documentation

- (ABPeer*) peer

The peer this port is on.

- (NSString*) name

The internal port name.

- (NSString*) title

The title of the port, for display to the user.

- (UIImage*) icon

The port icon (a 64x64 image)

- (ABPortType) type

The type of the port.

- (uint8_t) attributes

The attributes of this port.

- (id) context

Use this property to associate some user defined context with the port.

- (uint32_t) uniqueIdentifier

An port identifier that is unique for the peer itself but also for other peers.

- (BOOL) connected

Whether the port is connected.

- (NSString*) sourcesTitle

A title representing the sources connected to the port.

- (UIImage*) sourcesIcon

An icon representing the sources connected to the port.

- (NSArray*) sourcesRecursive

Returns direct and indirect sources of the port in the pipeline.

The sources are ordered in the way senders - filters.

- (NSString*) destinationsTitle

A title representing the destinations the port is connected to.

- (UIImage*) destinationsIcon

An icon representing the destinations the port is connected to.

- (NSArray*) destinationsRecursive

Returns direct and indirect destinations of the port in the pipeline.

The sources are ordered in the way filters - receivers.

- (NSSet<ABConnectionGraphPipeline *>*) pipelines

The connection pipelines of which this port is a member.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: